Level 3 Compression
Level 3 (Moderate Compression): This level of compression is suitable for more intense physical activities and provides a higher level of support. Level three garments are commonly used for athletic performance, recovery from muscle soreness, and prevention of muscle damage. They help improve blood flow and provide stability to the muscles.
This level of shapewear will contour your body while also lifting, and smoothing.
This is also ideal for recovery of surgery or postpartum recovery.
If you want hourglass, this is it, even if you haven’t had surgery, this is your start to building a beautiful silhouette foundation without the expensive price. You can wear our garments strapless for the perfect summer look. These reshaping garments are definitely designed to be worn for extended periods. If you are looking to improve circulation, flatten your stomach, and outline the waist, this is it!
These garments also help to reduce swelling and inflammation. If you’re looking to remove 2 to 7 inches off your waistline instantly, this is it.
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